Saturday, September 13, 2014

What do you mean 'they're out of stock'!

I was waiting till the end of the week to get all the requested books for college so I can buy them all together.

I wanted to go to Jarir Bookstore—the corniche branch—because (I think) it's the biggest bookstore in Khobar.

I even went to their website to see when do they first open in the morning so I can take my time looking for books without having to be in the middle of the crowd.

Anyway, what happened is that today, saturday morning, 9:00 AM to be specific, I went to that “big” bookstore.

I grabbed the big basket because I was so sure I'll be finding all the books I needed for college..


Look what happened;

I gave the guy from the customer service my list of books and when he looked at the list he literally goes: “No, no, no... Umm, no. I'm sorry Ma'am, all the books are out of stock.” And I was like ”what? What do you mean out of stock? ALL of them? Seriously?”

I laughed at how weird it is. Why would all the fundamentals for computer systems be out of stock! :\



And what happens when you're in a bookstore and you don't find what you came for?

Of course, you buy pretty things that you don't actually need.


(I bought 1. A very pretty leathered cover notbook. And 2. A book called الطريق إلى النجاح - للكاتب الدكتور/إبراهيم الفقي. “The Way to Success - By Dr. Ibrahim Elfiky”)




After all that I went to another branch for the Jarir Bookstore, AlObekan and Virgin Megastore because I needed those books.

Guess what? Ironically so, all the books are out of stock everywhere!

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