Tuesday, September 23, 2014

اليوم الوطني للمملكة العربية السعودية!

اليوم—تاريخ ٢٣ سبتمبر، ٢٠١٤—كان اليوم الوطني الثاني و الثمانون للمملكة العربية السعودية.
في نفس هذا اليوم سنة ١٩٣٢ أعلن الملك عبدالعزيز—رحمه الله—توحيد مناطق المملكة وتسميتها بالمملكة العربية السعودية.
* * * * *
الكثير من الناس يقولون ان أغلب المحتفلين باليوم الوطني يبالغون بالإحتفال وبسبب ذلك يفضلون عدم الخروج والتواجد في احتفالات اليوم الوطني بسبب هذا الشيء.
ما كنت راح اكتب او انزّل صور اليوم عن اليوم الوطني. لكن قررت اني انزل هالموضوع لإبداء وجهة نظري للموضوع؛
أولاً، اليوم، اول شيء لاحظته لما طلعت من البيت كان وجود 'الكثير' من سيارات الشرطة. وكان شيء مريح جداً بالنسبة لي إني اشوف الشرطة واحمد ربي على نعمة الأمن والأمان. وأسعدني في نظرتي لهم أنني تفهمت أن وجودهم كانت لأسباب أمنية فقط وليس لمنع الإحتفالات. في دول أخرى "متقدمة" و "متحضرة" اكثر من دولتنا بأشواط. لكن، هذه الدول ما عندهم حتى جزء صغير من الأمان اللي احنا نحس فيه في دولتنا.
ثانياً، تنظيم وترتيب للوضع والشوارع كان جميل ومريح بحيث ما يضايق المحتفلين وغير المحتفلين.
ثالث شيء أعجبني كثير، إنه تقريباً—من وجهة نظري—٨٧٪ من الناس الموجودين بالشوارع كانوا محترمين احترام تام لنفسهم ولغيرهم.
اليوم شفت ناس كثير اغراب عن بعضهم البعض لكن يبتسمون ويسلمون على بعض بشكل مريح يخلي الشخص يحس انه قاعد في بلده وان كل الناس اللي حوله يشاركونه فرحته. حتى واجهنا سيارات غير سعودية تحتفل معانا. (مثل؛ سيارة اماراتية، سيارة قطرية تحمل علم السعودية وعلم قطر، سيارة سعودية تحمل علم الكويت.) هذه كلها مشاهد بسيطة لكن بالنسبة لي كبيرة ومعناها اكبر من إحتفال وإبتسامة وحمل العلم. هذه المشاهد والمناظر بالنسبة لي نعمة من نعم رب العالمين.
قبل ما تحكم على بلدك انه "رجعي" وان الناس اللي فيه "كلهم" رجعيين ولا راح يتغيرون؛ احمد ربك. لازم نحس ان البلد اللي احنا فيها، البلد اللي ناكل فيها وننام ونصحى فيها واحنا مرتاحين وعايشين بأمان، نعمة. لازم نحس ان احنا بنعمة ناس كثير غيرنا في دول "متقدمة" يتمنون ولو القليل منها. لازم نعد الخيرات قبل السيئات.
اليوم، ما كنت بطلع، لكن طلعت وقررت أن أغض البصر عن جميع المناظر التي قد تبعثني للإنتقاد. وبعد هالقرار شفت مناظر جميلة. من الأهالي، من الأصدقاء والأطفال، سعداء ويشاركون سعادتهم باليوم الوطني.
في أشياء حلوة كثير تستاهل نشوفها، بس كل اللي علينا نغض البصر عن الأشياء السيئة والأشياء اللي ما تعجبنا—(اللي مو بيدنا نغيّر منها شيء)—.
كلنا فينا خير.
كل عام والسعودية بخير، اللهم إجعل هذا البلد آمناً مستقراً، الحمدلله على نعمة الأمن والآمان.❤️




I. Love. The. French. Language. !

I love learning languages.—that does not mean I know a lot of them. I just love learning them and wish I could speak more than one language fluently.—But I've always loved the french language more. I love the way it is spoken. The way it is written. The way it is heard. I really love it.

I thought about taking a french course in the future. But never seriously..

Anyway, I downloaded an app a few weeks back, but never tried it.

I was a bit bored today, so I tried it. And, you guys, it is absolutely PERFECT!

This is it; it's called 'Duolingo'




First thing's first; When you start the app, you can get started without creating an account.

But, later on you'll need an account to save your achievements of the day.


Then it'll give you a short list of the languages you could start learning. But you can press on the 'show more' option and it'll give you a much, much longer list of the languages that you could learn. The way it is shown in the photo.

Of course, I chose 'French' as soon as I read the list.

Next, in sha'a Allah will be Spanish. And after that, Italian!

The next thing you should do, is choosing your goal. Depending on how good you are and how much time you think you can manage to learn in per day.

I chose the 'Regular' goal because, first, I think that 10 minutes/day is a very good time to learn, slowly. And second, I only know the smallest of the small basics in that language.

And as it says on the interface here 'You can always change goals later.'



After that, it gives you the choice of learning the basics or taking a test to skip those basics.

Obviously, I chose starting with the basics.

And I will show you now the AMAZING way this app works.

Way better than taking a course when you don't actually need it if you ask me..






I really like that they teach you the necessery, basic stuff that you need to learn in order to get the full senteces right when you speak the language that you are learning.


For example,

1. They explain the meaning of vowels in the chosen language and where to put each word and why.






2. To make it easy for you, they make you choose something with your own hands and by yourself, so that when you do, they make you hear the word you chose and you instantly understand it and memorize it.





3. They have these mini quizes every step of the way. They give you a small quiz and you if you did not pass one, one of those small hearts on the top right side of the screen will fade. So be careful!

I think I can say that 3. It's basically an educational game!


After finishing your 'lesson' for the day, however long it took, they show you your progress.

Everything they use and everything in this app is so easy and motivative.

It is definetely my favorite app for now. And I think that it will be my favorite for a much longer time!







Wanna know what is the best thing about it?

It is for free!

And you can download it anywhere you want!

I am using it on my iPad. But, you can download it on your mobile or any other device you want.

And, in case you want to use it on your laptop, this is their website; Duolingo


Enjoy life and feed your brain by learning new things!




Friday, September 19, 2014

Ble' Café!

Every Thursday, is my day off from college. And, yesterday, Thursday, Sep 18th, my Mum woke me very early in the morning asking if I'd like to go out for breakfast with our neighbor and her daughter. (Her daughter happens to be my good friend, Anfal.) I said yes, even though I didn't actually know where we were going. Yes, I was hungry.

Anyway, a month or so back I saw a few lovely pictures of some café and asked about it. They told me it was called Ble' Café. But I never really got the chance to go there.

So, this coincidental visit to the café made me really happy!

The interior looks so good and elegant! They have this lovely chandelier in the middle. And the place feels so comfertable and homey and is very easy on the eyes.

These are some of the pictures I took of the place. (Upstairs and down)

The food they serve is absolutely delicious! But, let's talk about the menu first, the menus are iPads and the designed app they have is very beautiful and creative. You don't have to tell the waiter your order you just select the orders you want from the iPad and add it to the ' shopping cart' and they serve which ever on you your shopping cart.

Now, back to the food. It is really good. they even serve–which is something I didn't know–dinner. And the dinner menu looks even more delicious.

I ordered this halloumi sandwich and a hazel-nut latté.


And these are the rest of our orders.

Everybody liked their breakfasts and enjoyed it.

I really, really loved the 'glass' they served the orange juice in.. too cute.

Looking forward to visiting it again.






"Happiness is a state of mind."

Be Happy!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dynamite & Lucy!

Today, September 16th, my brother and I went to Bahrain right after college!

We wanted to go to in the week days to avoid the crowd. And it was semi-crowded. But not even near as crowded as it is in the weekends.

Everyone's been telling me to try the Shirmps at the P.F. Chang's restaurant for a very long time. But I never really tried it.. Until today!


My brother ordered. So, I didn't know it was spicy. I'm not a spicy food kind of person. I do eat spicy foods from time to time, just not the really spicy stuff.

So, when I tried the first bite, I found it too spicy for my liking. But it was literally so delicious that I couldn't stop eating.

After every bite of the 'Dynamite Shrimp'—the name suits it. Of that, I am sure.—, I would take a sip of the soda.. Haha!



And then, there's this salad.

This salad tastes weird. But the good kind of weird.

It has chicken in it—(they say I could add shrimp if we wanted to)—but it's not seaser salad.

Nonethless, it tastes good. Try it when you go there some time.


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After that; CINEMA!



I wanted to watch this 'Lucy' movie for a really, really long time. And I've never had the time to do so.

But, today, I did. And, it's an absolutely incredible movie. It's worth the wait.

It's sci-fi/action genre.

The story, the producing, the ideas, the acting and everything. I have absolutely zero complains about this movie!





I will not tell you the story, so, here, watch the trailer;


* * * * * *

Today was one of the best days!

Always enjoy your time and be thankful for what you got.

الحمدلله رب العالمين حمداً كثيراً طيباً مباركاً فيه❤️

Praise be to Allah❤️




Monday, September 15, 2014


I can safely say that yesterday was the busiest I've had in a very long while.

Yesterday I woke up at 7:00 AM then went and finished some chores. At 9:30 AM I went to college. Then, at 11:30 AM I left college, for some more chores that needed to get done, with the intention of going back to college as soon as I'm done for my 1:00 PM class. But, I didn't do that, because I didn't have the time.

Instead My mum, my brother—Khalid—and I, went to this ah-mazing café/restaurant in Khobar that my brother suggested.

It's called Cacao Sampaka.

You know how people get really hungry when they work or study?

Yeah I was really hungry..

Anyway, these are the delicious foods/deserts we ordered!




I don't know the name, but Khalid and I shared this chicken sandwich.

It is heavenly!




My mum ordered this heartbreakingly good cookie-cheesecake!

It came with this huge needle full of chocolate. *cries*

It is truly delicious. Yes I took a bite or two.




Then my brother and I shared this.. this.. too good, too heavenly good desert.

It's big cookie filled with molten chocolate inside. It comes with a vanilla ice-cream.

They make the absolute perfect combination.


This is how the cookie looks from the inside.

I think there's molten Kinder in there.. I don't know. It just tastes literally too good!





I regreted not taking a photo of the café's interior. It's really good and relaxing to sit in.

After that heavenly cookie and ice cream, we left.

I regret leaving.. I want to live in their kitchen..

Anyway that is it for the yummy Cacao Sampaka.


Busy days and chocolate days are the best of days!



Saturday, September 13, 2014

What do you mean 'they're out of stock'!

I was waiting till the end of the week to get all the requested books for college so I can buy them all together.

I wanted to go to Jarir Bookstore—the corniche branch—because (I think) it's the biggest bookstore in Khobar.

I even went to their website to see when do they first open in the morning so I can take my time looking for books without having to be in the middle of the crowd.

Anyway, what happened is that today, saturday morning, 9:00 AM to be specific, I went to that “big” bookstore.

I grabbed the big basket because I was so sure I'll be finding all the books I needed for college..


Look what happened;

I gave the guy from the customer service my list of books and when he looked at the list he literally goes: “No, no, no... Umm, no. I'm sorry Ma'am, all the books are out of stock.” And I was like ”what? What do you mean out of stock? ALL of them? Seriously?”

I laughed at how weird it is. Why would all the fundamentals for computer systems be out of stock! :\



And what happens when you're in a bookstore and you don't find what you came for?

Of course, you buy pretty things that you don't actually need.


(I bought 1. A very pretty leathered cover notbook. And 2. A book called الطريق إلى النجاح - للكاتب الدكتور/إبراهيم الفقي. “The Way to Success - By Dr. Ibrahim Elfiky”)




After all that I went to another branch for the Jarir Bookstore, AlObekan and Virgin Megastore because I needed those books.

Guess what? Ironically so, all the books are out of stock everywhere!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Being Productive!

Today I was sitting at home doing absolutely n o t h i n g.

I literally loath sitting around and doing nothing..

Yeah, I was basically just moping..

Anyway, at 2:40 PM I recieved a phone call from Aramco Library saying that they need someone to read the story for kids today.

Nobody even knows how much I needed that phone call.

Story telling starts from 5:00 till 6:00 PM. So, I, gladly went there to read the story.

After every story time, there's either crafting or coloring.

Today was coloring!

I used to read the story in Aramco Library almost every weekend for a very long time before the summer vacation started.

And it's one of the best things I do, one of my most favorite things in the world and I really, really miss it.

Seeing how the kids are just there and listening intently and trying to participate with all the innocence in the world brings me such a joy ❤️

And it makes you wonder how these kids think, and how every single one of them has a personality of their own. The way they talk, the way they play and listen.

It's all I needed to get me out of my little black bubble for the day.


Sometimes all you need to do to feel good about yourself is to do what you do best.


Be productive.

Get busy.

Make. Things. Happen.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Six Years of Awesomeness!



September the 2nd is Nourah's–my little sister– birthday! She was born in 2008. Yeah, my brother says she's NEW. Haha!

Anyway, (she) asked for a "surprise" birthday party.

She wanted a cake and gifts (without her knowing mind you).

I don't think that she actually believed we would do all these things for her. But we did. The day after her birthday, September the 3rd, we arranged everthing in a few hours time.

Bought the cake, gifts and 'decorated' the living room with some balloons.

It made her really happy to see all those gifts and happy-birthday candled-cake..

And her happiness gathered us and made us all happy as well! Alhamdulillah for everything!



Here's the thing about the cake; We always buy that one cake. For all occasion.

This time I suggested buying a different cake. And, since I live on chocolate, I suggested buying this one. I didn't really register the taste of peanut butter in it..

Let me tell you one thing about My brother and Nourah–the birthday girl–. Both are very allergic to any kind of nuts.

And as it turns out, this cake has something similar to peanut butter.. Yeah..

But she didn't eat it. Thank God!

But my brother did. Poor guy.. Hah! Yes, I am feeling guilty if you were wondering..



It always more intersting to enjoy your learning!

It really breaks my heart to see all those little kids–at the age of learning and saving everything they learn–just sitting around holding an iPad or a mobile.

Don't get me wrong technology most definetely is needed everywhere and to everyone. But let us not forget those tangible learning objects that makes you work your mind.

But it is what it is. And kids–generally speaking–are losing their innocence slowly because of those devices.

Which is why we bought her those gifts. She really loves bed time stories! And 'Monsters, inc.' is one of her absolute favorite movies–and mine–since she was a baby.

Puzzles are always appreciated, no matter how old you are!

And ddon't forget the clay! She's a very creative kid ma sha'a Allah and it would do her good to be imaginative and create different things with them.

As for the birthday card, we made everyone that was there sign it and write something simple for her to keep!


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Now, this is the best thing about her birthday; my brother, Khalid, came from Canada the day before her birthday, after three months of being there. And a few family members were visiting us from Kuwait. So, it's been great for her. And it was the perfect opportunity to do her birthday party!


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Dear Nourah,

"This is my wish for you:

Comfort on difficult days,

smiles when sadness intrudes,

rainbows to follow the clouds,

laughter to kiss your lips,

sunsets to warm your heart,

hugs when spirits sag,

beauty for your eyes to see,

friendships to brighten your being,

faith so that you can believe,

confidence for when you doubt,

courage to know yourself,

patience to accept the truth,

love to complete your life."



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I made a video for my day preparing the whole thing + the actual surprise and uploaded it on YouTube;





Tuesday, September 2, 2014


My brother, Khalid, arrived back from Canada yesterday. He's been there for three full months.

I asked him for some books while he's there. Since we only get a limited amount of books here in Saudi Arabia.

I askd for a good number of books. But, unfortunately, he didn't find all of them. Most of them were sold out or something.

Anyway, those are the books that he brought me, accompanied with a few bookmarks and a keychain;

The books:

1. The Secret Garden (by Frances Hodgsox Burnett)


I wanted to read 'The Secret Garden' a long time ago. Because when I was little I used to watch an animated TV show called 'The Secret Garden' and it was one of my absolute favourites. And, if I remember correctly, it's the exact same story as the book.

Anyway, I got even more excited about reading it because of how many people have recommended it.

So, when I told my brother about it, I thought it would be an actual book. Without any picture in it whatsoever.

But I think there are different auditions and copies of the story. And I bet it is originally a classic. But my brother got attracted to the one with thr pictures and bought it.

I haven't read a book with pictures since I was little. Reading that would be different and great!




2. Getting The Girl (by Markus Zusak)

Nothing special about this book but the fact that it was written by the writer of 'The Book Theif' which I haven't read yet but is a bestselling and sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. And this book was also recommended by a few people.


The Bookmarks:

Bookmarks are always something to be addicted to!

I really, really, really love bookmarks. They're so pretty and important and stay with you throughout reading the book.

The first one is a wooden bookmark with the word Canada on it and on top is their flag on a wooden bear(?) or something.

The second one is a special kind of bookmark with the letter 'K' on it which makes it even more special because my brother's name is Khalid so... I haven't tried it yet, but saw the picture of how to use it.

The third is very motivating and cute. It says "You can't do things differently until you see thingsdifferently."




And last, but not least, is the keychain:




A big metal 'L' which stands for my name. And the word Canada written on it. A very nice souvenir if you ask me!









Thank you, Khalid! And welcome home ❤️