Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I. Love. The. French. Language. !

I love learning languages.—that does not mean I know a lot of them. I just love learning them and wish I could speak more than one language fluently.—But I've always loved the french language more. I love the way it is spoken. The way it is written. The way it is heard. I really love it.

I thought about taking a french course in the future. But never seriously..

Anyway, I downloaded an app a few weeks back, but never tried it.

I was a bit bored today, so I tried it. And, you guys, it is absolutely PERFECT!

This is it; it's called 'Duolingo'




First thing's first; When you start the app, you can get started without creating an account.

But, later on you'll need an account to save your achievements of the day.


Then it'll give you a short list of the languages you could start learning. But you can press on the 'show more' option and it'll give you a much, much longer list of the languages that you could learn. The way it is shown in the photo.

Of course, I chose 'French' as soon as I read the list.

Next, in sha'a Allah will be Spanish. And after that, Italian!

The next thing you should do, is choosing your goal. Depending on how good you are and how much time you think you can manage to learn in per day.

I chose the 'Regular' goal because, first, I think that 10 minutes/day is a very good time to learn, slowly. And second, I only know the smallest of the small basics in that language.

And as it says on the interface here 'You can always change goals later.'



After that, it gives you the choice of learning the basics or taking a test to skip those basics.

Obviously, I chose starting with the basics.

And I will show you now the AMAZING way this app works.

Way better than taking a course when you don't actually need it if you ask me..






I really like that they teach you the necessery, basic stuff that you need to learn in order to get the full senteces right when you speak the language that you are learning.


For example,

1. They explain the meaning of vowels in the chosen language and where to put each word and why.






2. To make it easy for you, they make you choose something with your own hands and by yourself, so that when you do, they make you hear the word you chose and you instantly understand it and memorize it.





3. They have these mini quizes every step of the way. They give you a small quiz and you if you did not pass one, one of those small hearts on the top right side of the screen will fade. So be careful!

I think I can say that 3. It's basically an educational game!


After finishing your 'lesson' for the day, however long it took, they show you your progress.

Everything they use and everything in this app is so easy and motivative.

It is definetely my favorite app for now. And I think that it will be my favorite for a much longer time!







Wanna know what is the best thing about it?

It is for free!

And you can download it anywhere you want!

I am using it on my iPad. But, you can download it on your mobile or any other device you want.

And, in case you want to use it on your laptop, this is their website; Duolingo


Enjoy life and feed your brain by learning new things!




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