Friday, October 17, 2014

My happy place, literally!

Aramco Recreation Library.

This place, is one of my absolute favorite places. Ever.

Yes, I am serious. I love it that much.

I was reunited with lots of my childhood/school friends there. I met some amazing people there. And I met one of my very best friends there, too.

I go to this libray to study a lot.

You know what is the best thing about studying there? It's the people that study there,too.

It makes me feel like I am not alone.

Seeing them.

Studying. By themselves, in pairs or even groups.

It feels like a unit.

It makes me feel so good to go there.

Even if I wasn't going to study.

Sometimes, I volunteer to read the story. Some other times I volunteer to arrange the shelves.

Both make me feel the "okayness" that I so often need to feel.

There, I can be myself. I can be the self I want to be.

It makes me feel like I'm away from everything. Yet, in the center of of it all.

* * * * * *

Yesterday, I went to the library to finish some homeworks.

I'm in the library today. And I'll be going tomorrow since it's finally time for midterms (and the endless amount of homeworks :p)

It felt so very nice to be there. Especially after a long time of not going.

Beside how good it makes me feel to be there, I actually accomplish so much more while I'm in the library.

* * * * * *

When you take a photo of something, it means that you love the memory that is occurring at the moment. And you want to keep it.

I found so many photos for the past year or so. All taken inside the library.

* * *

Amongst those photos that I have found, I found my other favorite place;

The beautiful scenerey of the park right in front of the library.

Everyday I go to the library and pass by this place or just sit outside, it just looks perfect.

Just. Perfect.

A sight for sour eyes.

At least for me it is.

And you know?

There's nothing better than the sight of Aramco's streets and parks in the spring and winter. And when it rains.

Brings me absolute bliss.

And here's something to look forward to: Aramco streets in winter.

* * * * *

Find what makes you happy, no matter how tiny it is, and hang on to it.

Life is short. So, please, hang on to what makes you happy.

P.s. Happiness is found in the simplest of things.

All you need to do is look.



  1. yes indeed. you know while i am reading your story i had a feeling that i am there sitting there with my favorite coffee doing my HW. however, i wish i could go there but if course i cant.

    1. I think that there should be a recreation library similar to this one outside aramco community for the non-aramcoans, it would be most spuseful!
