Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mistakes. People. Lessons. Or, in other words: Life.

Dear Diary,

It's been two years. I miss you.

I would like more than anything to blame the fact that I didn't write for so long on life, I would really like to do that. But the problem is this: that's not true. I'm the one to blame because that's just poor life management on my end.

However, I will blame neither myself nor life. I just want to write. Because it gives me joy to do so. More than that, there are some tangled up thoughts inside my head that I'd like to put in here so I can untangle some. To, hopefully, relieve myself and feel better about things.

So many things have changed in the past two years in my life, my personality, and mentality. And I've come to the conclusion that this happens whenever you're more exposed to life than you usually are. In other words? This happens when you leave your comfort zone. (and I left my comfort zone AAAAH-LOT in the past couple of years that my anxiety level went up the ceiling of the third floor)

I read so many things (not related to each other whatsoever) in the past couple of years and it seems to me that there's a very important lesson from all that I've learned to keep in mind about life, about ourselves, and the people around us; of which I can conclude in one easy sentence:
There's no truth, there's only perspective.
And that on its own is this. A perspective. 7 billion people. 99% of those 7 billion different perspectives of which might 100% disagree with that idea. Here's a couple of two very simple examples:
A scientist is not the same as someone who builds their life on religion. One bases their life on studies, facts, and numbers and the other bases their life on the simplicity of faith.
An astronaut is not the same as a writer. One of them sees life through paper and in words and the other sees it in the space. In the open skies, amongst the stars.

And the neverending list goes on.

One of the things I read recently talks about the story of a book where one of the characters goes crazy when he realizes that there are multiple versions of a person in every person's head. Even in his own head. There's the way that he sees himself and there are a number of different ways that other people see him.

And that makes me see how everything in life is merely a perspective of the one living it.

And that takes me to another thing I read once way back in time. But it stuck with me no matter how many books and quotes I read after that. And it goes like this:
"When someone says, "I love you," and then you feel "Oh, I must be worthy after all," That's an illusion. That's not true. Or someone says "I hate you," and you think, "Oh, God, I knew it; I'm not very worthy," That's not true either. Neither one of these thoughts hold any intrinsic reality. They are an overlay. When someone says "I love you," he is telling you about himself, not you. When someone says, "I hate you," she is telling you about herself, not you.
World views are self-views – Literally."

World views are self-views.

With people, it's critical to your own happiness and peacefulness to distinguish the ones who are real and the ones who are fake. The ones who are there to mock your pain, and the ones who are there to heal your wounds. The ones who are toxic and negative, and the ones that support and love you unconditionally. Those people's "self-views" will rain down on you.

I believe in this more than anybody, (in my life at least), understands. I believe, or more accurately: through the life lessons I've learned through my relationships in general, I've come to believe that it is absolutely crucial to choose who gets into your life and who doesn't. Moreso than that, the width and depth of which each person gets into your life.

I've always thought that there's so much life outside people. And I still do. However, I've come to understand that life is nothing without good people in your life, to come home to and share your happy moments with. The pure type of relationships. The unconditional type that is there to support you through the good and the bad.

You know, sometimes we befriend people just to learn some lessons. And maybe un-learn some of the old ones. Which is something that has to happen in every person's life. You get into bad relationships or friendships to learn not to allow similar people into your life. To appreciate goodness. You get into good relationships and friendships with good-hearted people to learn good-heartedness from them.

I learned that as long as we still make mistakes, that means we're still learning. And as long as we're still learning, that means we are living life the way we're supposed to. And I know there's yet a lot more mistakes to make and a lot more to learn in life.

There's no possible way for anyone to come up with a manual on how to live life the "right" way. That way we will crush every person's individuality. Every person must live their life in their own way. It's good to learn from others, but it's also good (and important) for each person to form and reform their own opinion and perspective on life.

We only live life once. And it goes by so fast without us realizing it. For that, I wish myself, my loved ones and all the people around me a peaceful heart and positive perspective that leads to a positive well-lived life.


  1. اهلا بعودتك .

  2. اشتاق الى ان تكتبي مقاله باللغة العربيه ، اعتقد ان لديك الكثير من الكلمات الرائعة لتكتبيها ، اتمنى ان تعيدي قصتك الجميلة مع اللغة العربيه ، م

    1. أشكرك على التعليق، لكن للأسف أغلب ما أقرأ يكون باللغة الانجليزية. مما يجعل حصيلتي في الكلمات الانجليزية أكبر بكثير من حصيلتي في المصطلحات العربية.

      بالإضافة الى ذلك، كتابتي باللغة الانجليزية تصل الى عدد اكبر من القرّاء لانها اللغة التي تعتبر عالمية. و هذا ما اهدف اليه.

  3. اعتقد انك لديك القدره على التعبير باللغة العربية فلا تحتلجين للمصطلحات العميقة لتوضيح المعاني ، فلا يزال اللسان الفصاحة لديك حتى تكتب بها ، انا ما يخص اللغة الانجليزية فهو امر خاص بك لكن اتمنى ان ارى مقاله لك بالعربية اعتقد ان لديك القدره على ايصال الكثير من المعاني الجميلة ، م
