Friday, August 29, 2014

Farewell My Dear 5s!

Why is my mobile in bag full of rice?

Okay, the thing is; I woke up yesterday morning to my very dear, very soaked mobile. It was really hot and trying to restart itself. I'm not even joking. As it turned out, my AC was dripping water on my mobile all night long.. (WHILE IT WAS CHARCHING MIND YOU.)

I freaked out. This mobile is considered new. It's only a few months old.

I tried restarting it. Which as it turns out a humongous mistake. Yeah..

Anyway, I went into google and tried finding some way to repair my damaged iPhone.

All sites and YouTube-videos said to put it into a bag of rice. And then it'll start working.

I followed the steps of this particular site that I found;


And I saw this new information about how to find out if it was already damaged or not. Of course, by the time I found those websites it was already damaged.

It's in the link above. But I'll show you what I mean;

I removed my SIM card to see if it was red or not. And guess what?

I don't know if you can see it clearly or not, but it's red.

But I put it in a bag of rice–for 24+ hours–anyway. Talk about false hope.. Haha!



I guess that's a lesson for me.

I need to be more carful where to put my mobiles..


Farewell, Goldie.


Meet My Happiness!

Happiness comes in different shapes and sizes. The same goes with books!

This is my defintion of tangible happiness. These four shelves of tangible happiness.

The top shelf is for the self help and the religion related books,

The second and third shleves are for my read series and individual books,

The fourth is for my 'unread-yet' books.

The rest–which you can't see–are for arranging stuff.

My favorite series so far–my favorite series ever is Harry Potter. But, since it's not on the shelf, I'm not going to mention it.–is 'The Mortal Instruments' and 'The Infernal Devices' series. They're just the best. Well written and amazing characters that make me truly feel like they're my friends! Both series are written by Cassandra Clare. And 'The Infernal Devices' is a prequel to 'The Mortal Instruments'. They are both just honestly captivating. They are both a fantasy genre books.

The fourth shelf has a little bit more different kind of books than I usually read. But, I am very excited to start reading them when I have the time.

(Currently Reading):

The first book of the 'Game of Thrones' series.

Now, I never watched the series and I'm not planning to do so any time soon.

Seeing all those people–including my mum and dad. Yes, my mum and dad.–literally obsessing over it is not motivating me to watch it either..

Plus, reading a book, for me, is always better than watching the movie or the tv show.

I thought that reading and picturing it would be hard becuase it's describing something whole different era. And I am living in a very different time.

But, actually, it's been amazing for me so far. The writer did very well writing it the way he did.

I am at page 200-something now. There are so many events and people and stories in those mere 200 pages that I literally feel like I read a whole book.

I honestly fell in love with one of the characters. His name is Jon Snow. He's a 14 year-old boy. A bastard. And, I'm guessing, he has the best character in the whole book.

Can't wait to finish reading it and buy the rest of the series!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

'Marriage Rant'

I saw this video on YouTube by a girl named 'Sarah' a few minutes ago.

And it is by far the best video ever that tells everything about the idea of 'marriage' in our society. In a very nice and kind way that attracts the audience of the video. And not in a harsh criticising way.

To her, maybe it was 'just ranting'. But I think her main goal is to make the best of it. To give the girls/women the hope and motivation they need to let go of the 'super-husband-man/the knight in shining armour' idea. To love themselves. To be strong enough to explore themselves and find what truly makes them HAPPY.

This video is truly amazing! I have shared it in more than few social networking apps/sites.

So, Sarah, thank you for your words. Thank you for the kind and simple way you used to deliver the idea you meant to deliver.

قبل دقائق، فتحت يوتيوب وشفت هالفيديو.

كان رائع بشكل كبير بالنسبة لي لأنها تكلمت عن موضوع مهم وكثير متعارف عليه في مجتمعنا.

وفكرتها وطريقة توصيلها لها كانت تجذب بنفس الوقت.

وصلت فكرة لنا كبنات/نساء إن لازم نهتم بأنفسنا وما نخلي فكرة الزواج/فارس الاحلام اكبر همنا.

لازم نكتشف الأشياء اللي نحبها والأشياء اللي تسعدنا ونحافظ عليها ونداوم عليها.

شكراً ساره على الموضوع وعلى طريقة توصيلك للفكرة


Smart Fun!

This is the kind of game that lets you think thoroughly before choosing the color and where to put it.

This is the smart kind of fun!

It is played by two people. No more and no less. (In this photo I was playing with my youngest brother, Abdullah.)

So, basically, this games is about one of the players choosing four colors each in a specific place without telling the opponent (or the other player–whatever makes you feel better :p). Then, the other player starts guessing the colors by putting four at the very first row. After that the 1st player start giving him hints to complete the game (the hints are the white and the red colors on each side of the "board game")

Now, the red means the color is correct but is in the wrong place and the white is for the correct color in the right spot.

And that all the second player is allowed to know. That there's a certain number of wrong/right placed colors but not 'which' colors.

If anyone, by any chance, never played this game before, please do. It's really fun!



I've been trying to find this lipstick color for, literally, over a year now.

I went shopping yesterday with my cousin. And found this by coincidence.

Because I always ask for this lipstick color in all the famous make-up shops.

This shop though, is different. And isn't 'just' a make-up shop. It's called 'Yves Rocher' and it's french. They basically sell all natural products. From skin care to make-up to body care and hair care to fragrances..etc

They are truly amazing. And even though they are a commercial brand, they are also true to their products. I've used a few of the hair careproducts and a mascara before this lipstick, and all of them worked as promised.

I bought this lipstick for 85 Riyals! It's really not expensive. At all.


Monday, August 25, 2014

'In Your Eyes'

I watched a movie a couple of days ago called 'In Your Eyes'.

It's a romance/sci-fi movie.

Basically, the story is about to completely deffirent strangers. One lives in New Mexico and the other lives in the East Coast. The woman is married and has an okay life. And the guy is 'fugitive' and washes cars for living.

And the different and unique thing about this movie's story is that since they were little they see bits and pieces of what the other person is actually seeing in their eyes.

And when they grew older, it got so strong that they could literally talk to each other and see what the other person sees so clearly like they are right beside each other.

I thought about sharing the movies because it was one of the most amazing and different movies I've seen.

For those of you who will watch it, enjoy! :)


Sunday, August 24, 2014

'The Skill of Confidence'

I just watched a video on YouTube titled 'The Skill of Self Confidence' by Dr. Ivan Joseph

And after watching it, I can safely say that it's one the best motivational speeches I have ever seen.

Self-confidence is one the things that have always fascinated me. In a way. I always wonder how can someone become confidant when they're as far away from confidence as possible? Are people born with self-confidence?

Dr. Ivan answered these questions—and more—within minutes. Using the simplest of answers.

Here's a quote of the video—by Dr. Ivan Joseph—that is very motivational, true and a very big step closer to self-confidence;

“We all have this negative self-talk that goes in our head.

Guess what?

There's enough people that are telling us that we can't do it. That we're not good enough!

Why do we want to tell ourselves that?

We know for a fact, that thoughts, influence actions!

Why do we want to say that negative self-talk to ourselves?

We need to get our own self-affirmation.

'I am the captain of my ship and the master of fate.'

And that is my affirmation.

If I don't say it, if I don't believe it, no one else will.”



First Blog Post!

This is my first blog post. Ever!

I've always wanted to learn how to make a blog and start blogging. But, I thoughtit was really hard. That's why I try not to kid myself and let it go.

But then, I started reading 'The Happiness Project' book (by Gretchen Rubin) and she made it seem so easy! Plus, it's a really good thing to have a blog. To share your feeling and thoughts and what you like/don't like.

I think this is a great start!